
Showing posts from August, 2021

A Letter to My Brother Stephen

  When I think about you, I think about us. I think about the past we have had, the present we are at, and the glorious future we have always wished for. Photo/Felix Kinyua archives. To Stephen M Somebody it Po Box, somewhere Kenya. 8/23/2021. Dear Bro Stevo, I would have loved to start the letter like the old days by asking if you are fine or doing well and that entire school work format you obviously know about. But that would be irony and I don’t want to mock you bro, I know you are not fine and not doing well too. Yes, a lot of other people know too bro and more will know after you read this letter. Despite of all they are saying about you bro, I know you will. I know you don’t have a smartphone at the moment but I also know you still have ways of accessing information on trending topics and social media gossip. Or how did you come to know about baby Leon when last time we saw each other was 6 months ago? Kaka, over the weekend I met with a former comrade and after some rounds he r