Meru County is Bigger than Governor Munya and Senator Kiraitu, This Violence Must Stop.

Anti-Riot  police officers keep watch at the Meru National Polytechnic after a meeting attended by both Mr. Kiraitu and Mr. Munya  turned chaotic on 12 December 2016. Photo/Felix Kinyua.

A drowning man will clutch at a straw, that what the wise men said. Wise men who were here before these hooligans masquerading as leaders came along.

As I write this, am deeply concerned by the recent pockets of violence that has been witnessed in Meru County.

These leaders have sucked us in their circus, and in their trail to get votes they are living footsteps of distraction that may haunt the Ameru community for a long time.

Personally, I am one of the people they call generation y, people who until these campaign period did not know the difference between a person from Igembe, Tigania or Imenti, to me all these people were the great people of Meru.

Having grown up in the suburbs of Meru town, I grew up with clusters of friends from every corner of the county, I went to school with the same people, interacted, played games, attended parties together and some of my friends intermarried through these interactions. Simply put we have always been a unit.

Now the current class of leadership led by our Governor Peter Munya and senator Kiraitu Murungi are driving a notion that now there are sub tribes  in Meru and they have divided the region into voting blocs based on ethnicity composition.

Meru Governor Peter Munya address journalists at Gatimene Gardens after jamhuri day celebrations were marred with chaos last year. Photo/Felix Kinyua.

On three different occasions, supporters of both Jubilee and PNU have publically crossed lines and their meetings have been turned into battle grounds, on all occasions the police have been used to quell the violence before its gets out of hard.

On 12th of December during Jamuhuri day celebrations, the two sides clashed at the Meru national polytechnic, Mr. Kiraitu held a press briefing on the same day at Heritage Hotel Nkubu and blamed governor Munya for the incident, a few kilometers away at Gatimene Gardens, Munya held a similar briefing and told the gathering of the fourth estate that his rivals had paid  youth to distract the national day celebrations.

Later on 1st of these month, Kiraitu encountered an hostile crowd at Muriri area on his way to Maua for a series of rallies, like before both leaders exchanged bitter utterances with each blaming the other, and just last week when we thought that the previous two occasions as served as a lesson  to both sides,  a group of youth blocked Mr. Munya’s entourage to Nkubu town.

Youth from Meru County being ferried to a political event. Photo/Felix Kinyua.

Well, this nonsense must stop!

Dear Senator Kiraitu and  Mr. Munya,

We understand that when devolved system of government was taking shape, you both sat down and came up with a plan on how you will govern us for the next twenty years if my sources are feeding me on the right content.

Even though you never consulted us while you made those deliberations, now you are using us, the young people, to fight your battles will you go home and watch on TV as our county burn to ashes.

Instead of selling us development agendas for the next five years, the two gentlemen have been out shouting who is old enough to lead and not to lead and who has not done this or that.

Politics is all about ideas, the people of Meru county wants to know how their livelihood will improve by choosing either of the two or any other leader that has potential to steer us forward, show us enough reasons why we should wake up at 5am and vote, based on ideas and development track record.

At the end of the day, if you choose someone because he comes from your sub- tribe and they don’t have the will of the people at heart you will whine for the next half a decade.

To the Meru Youth,

Take all the cash these Neo colonists are giving you, take it because they no longer provide employment opportunities for people of our generation so that we can borrow from them, these old folks believe that the young people of these county are beggars, drunkards and stone throwers, but remember Meru county is bigger than any individual, shun from these acts of violence and preserve the beautiful County of Meru for the future generations to come.


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