
Showing posts from March, 2017

'Makinya Ja Jesu’, The Riddle of Jesus in Meru

Jesus set foot in Kenya, well that according to residents of Rwarera location in Meru County, east of Mount Kenya. Gikinya kia Jesu Footprint believed to belong to Jesus at Rwarera Location,MERU County. Photo/Felix Kinyua. The natives believe that the area is the real Jerusalem because of the ‘Makinya Ja Jesu’ which loosely translates to ‘Jesus Footprints’, in Kimeru Language.  The set of Makinya Ja Jesu is found on the sedimentary rocks, which cover about 200 acres of land. Next to them are footprints which appear to be those of a donkey or a horse. One of the human-like footprints is huge and inside it is a smaller one. Next to it are two smaller ones which appear to be that of an average adult. The serene area located along the Meru-Ruiri-Isiolo road is also famous for its natural salt water springs known as Monyo, locals’ belief that this water has anesthetic properties and can cure a range of diseases. The spring which is known as Katheruko, meaning boiling po

Hit or Miss? Be the Judge The Underground Lounge,Sport Bar and Grill

An aerial view of Makutano,MERU Town.Photo/Felix Kinyua There is nothing as cool as ‘kushikisha’ on a Saturday afternoon on a road trip with your ‘Boys’, it is called ‘kujishukuru’ especially if you have really worked from Monday to Friday, so this should not be mistaken as everyday routine. Last Saturday we hit the road from some place in Tharaka-Nithi, as usual our good friend ‘Hergesya’ had prepared a good Kilo worth appreciating based on the ‘andas’, the steam was so real at one point my friend threw away a full bottle of juice thinking it was a stick! That kind of ‘andas’. It is amazing to pass through the amazing snaky road from Chuka to Meru, even after using it more than a million times  I can never help myself from looking through the window to get a  view of the beautiful landscapes. After reaching Meru as usual we headed to Makutano, Makutano is basically what Westlands is to Nairobi or what Mtwapa is to Coast, a home of entertainment for Meru County. As we scou