Meru Gets a New Limousine

Meru media mogul Zablon Mathenge today launched a state of the art limousine which will be used by residents for weddings.
The hammer 3 which has cost Mr. Mathenge a whooping 40M will be available for hire effective next week.

The new hammer3 limousine Photo| Felix Kinyua
Zablon who also owns Zanira company which controls Mwariama Tv, Mwariama Radio Station and Radio Furaha was all smiles during the launch as he welcomed the new limousine which has been named ‘Golden Ring Limo’.

Speaking during the launch at Kaaga Primary School in meru county,different leaders have applauded the idea saying it will help the local people in weddings.

Zablon Mathenge and his wife pose with their new hammer3 limousine Photo|Felix Kinyua
However, the event which was attended by a number of local politicians was not void of politics.
North Imenti Member of Parliament Raheem Dawood promised to hire the limousine to BodaBoda riders who want to wed next year if they elect him back to parliament.

Meru senatorial asppirant Mithika Linturi Photo|Felix Kinyua
Tigania East MP Mpuru Aburi criticized the County Government for misuse of resources with senatorial  aspirant Mithika Linturi warning the youth against violence when deputy president William Ruto visits the county later on this Sunday.


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