Battle of the Titans; The Ameru Dilemma Ahead of 2017 General Elections.

Meru politics are slowly picking up but it will not be a smooth ride for the contestants.

Peter Munya supporter waves a placard at a function|Photo Felix Kinya
During the 2013 general elections, Meru county placed itself on the map of the country as one of the most democratic communities in terms of political sobriety.

Despite voting for President Uhuru Kenyatta  almost man to man, the county elected its MPs and ward representatives from a wide range of parties.

Senator Kiraitu Murungi and Governor Peter Munya who had then joined forces to form Alliance Party of Kenya Managed  two parliamentary seats, Gideon Mwiti of Central Imenti and Rahim Dawood from North Imenti  were the only candidates elected on APK ticket, Orange Democratic Movement scooped two posts, and TNA took home a bigger share of four seats.

Surprisingly the county also produced the youngest parliamentarian in the 11TH parliament, Boniface Kinoti Gatobu 26, an independent candidate.

If this voting pattern is anything to go by, some big names in Meru politics may taste the dust come the year 2017 so pundits predict
Meru Political Line-up
With 2017 elections less than a year away, politicians have been aligning themselves to alliances and forming political allies in preparation for the elections.

Kiraitu Murungi’s ‘Mbus’ has joined the Jubilee alliance party train, will  Peter Munya has clutched to the last straw of PNU for fear of drowning in case he joins  JAP and his tactics seem to be paying off after the Political Parties Dispute Tribunal nullified PNU’S merger with Jubilee party, saying it was irregularly done.

The two will battle it out for the gubernatorial seat in one of the biggest political showdowns in Meru.

Meru people now have a dilemma to pick between the two leaders who are seemingly reading from two different scripts as they  try to outdo each other in swinging the ballot to their favor.

The Meru political line-up

Kiraitu Murungi’s camp, popularly Known as KIKALI by the locals, made up of the senator, Current women representative, Florence Kajuju , and Igembe south  MP Mithika Linturi who is campaigning for the senatorial post has teamed up with a number of MPS from the region in a bid to ouster Munya from the county’s top seat.

Meru Governor Peter Munya (Left) and Senator Kiraitu Murungi

Munya, on the other hand, has reorganized his camp, gaining support from a larger section of MCA’S, as well as grooming top County Bosses for the political battle ahead of 2017 elections, amongst them Meru county executive officers, Ganaro Gatangungi and Mary Mwiti who are vying for senatorial and women representatives posts respectively.

The 2 camps have already started with their campaign trails, each trying to reason with Meru people on why they should be picked come 2017.

KIKALI have accused Mr.Munya of  slowing down developments in the county as well as making important decisions for the county on his own without consultations with other stakeholders while Munya’s team argues that they have improved the county standards and brought services closer to the people.

Apart from the gubernatorial contests, the parliamentary posts will proof not a walk in the park for seasoned politicians.

Senatorial aspirant: Mithika Linturi (left) and Ganaro Gatangugi
North Imenti MP Dawood Rahim faces stiff competitions from among others, former Permanent secretary of internal security Mutea Iring’o  and Silas Ruteere.

Outspoken Tigania east member of parliament  Mpuru Aburi will battle it out with Gichunge Kabeabea while central imenti’s  Gideon Mwiti  will face-off with Julius Kimathi among others.

The senatorial seat is also up for grabs after Kiraitu Murungi declared he will be running for the gubernatorial posts and  a host of contestants have  shown interests ,among them Mithika Linturi, Ganaro Gatangungi and Gideon Meenye.

Meru County women representative Florence Kajuju (Left) and County Water Executive Mary Mwiti

Women representative slots has two active candidates vying for the slot, the current Florence Kajuju and Meru county Executive for Water Mary Mwiti.


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