
Showing posts from February, 2019

Githeri Media Nonsense Should Cease

Reporters take pictures of Police officers as they get ready to disperse a crowd in a Demo. Picture/Getty Images. Sometimes back, I had a discussion with a friend on the Kenyan Media. It was more of an argument because I felt it was not justifiable to refer to the Local Media as ‘Githeri Media’. Having gone through media school, I cannot literary sit and watch as people tarnish my profession. I did not take it lightly and still do not take it lightly with people castigating the local media day in day out. If what I was taught in college is true, the Media is a reflection of the society, it mirrors the society in which it operates. I have always said if you find any fault in the Media then basically don’t blame the media, blame it on the society, because media does not operate in a vacuum. As a professional I have watched in silence as people slowly take this prestigious career to the grave. But not anymore. Listen here folks, Journalists deserve their respect too.

Things Single People Can Do This Valentine

An illustration of People having a romantic moment.  Picture/Getty Images.  Finally, it is Valentine season. Men are busy doing online shopping and looking for best online shops that offer home delivery for flowers, cakes and gifts. Certainly this is also the season some men ‘kidnap themselves’ to avoid the pressure associated with this day. Many Stories are associated with Valentines connected to February 14, including a written account of Saint Valentine of Rome imprisonment for performing weddings for soldiers, who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians persecuted under the Roman Empire.   According to the legend, during his imprisonment Saint Valentine restored sight to the blind daughter of his judge, and before his execution he wrote her a letter signed "Your Valentine" as a farewell. Cupid is one of the Symbols that is associated to People in Love. Picture/Getty Images.  To Kenyan’s, Valentine day is purely a day to celebrate lo