
Showing posts from May, 2017

Meru People can also sing; These are the Stars Representing Meru Music to the World

I remember while in High school I always had problems convincing my friends that Meru had some recording artists. Jehushaphat Kimaita is arguably the best reggae artist in Meru today. Photo/Getty Images That time, Jehushaphat Kimaita, the undisputed king of Meru's reggae genre of music had just released his first album titled 'Seek Ye First', being a friend of mine, He gave me a copy which i took with me to school, i gave it to doubting Thomas' and truly they believed and  instantly loved what they heard. Well, a few years later,came Ameru Crew, they were energetic and  the Meru people Loved them, they dominated local vernacular airwaves with their hit single 'Twendaneni Ameru'. The crew even got  nominated for the prestigious Groove awards and got calls to perform in a number of high-end events among them, Safaricom live and Groove Meru tour edition. Whatever happened to the crew is still a mystery, but some of the group members, the likes of Kimait

Formless? How about a visit to ‘Africa’s tallest tree?’

The trunk of Mutunguruni Tree in Ndagani Village,Tharaka Nithi County. Residents belief that this is the tallest tree in Africa. Photo/Felix Kinyua. Times are hard, so they say, but kuna form in Mutunguruni Village, Home to Africa’s tallest tree according to residents of Ndagani in Chuka, Tharaka Nithi County. Tharaka Nithi has traditionally been known as home to the popular Chuka dancers whose tantalizing drumming and dance has thrilled many throughout the country especially on national day celebrations. But now the county is getting new image with devolved system of governments which is promoting new tourism ventures. Among the major attraction in the county is Mutunguruni tree at Ndagani Village which is considered sacred to the Chuka Sub tribe and as has served as a shrine where community elders go for divine intervention in times of draught or other calamities. The tree which is about 40 meters tall is probably the tallest tree in Kenya, though residents here believe i